Wednesday, February 11, 2009


We have all watched with utmost horror, the blatant terrorist killings in Mumbai on 26/11. We have been shouting hoarse in condemnation and repeating endlessly that we shall not allow such hideous acts again. We shall hunt the perpetrators and destroy them along with their roots.

We have the naked proof in front of our eyes as to who are the villains, who are their supporters and who are their financiers. Even after all this, we are afraid of taking immediate and fitting action.

We are muttering all kinds of veiled threats and hoping against hope that somebody else will do our bidding and protect us.

This pathetic situation reminds me of what our great saint Dnyneshwar has said in Dnyaneshwari, his epic poetic interpretation of Gita.

जात्यन्धा लागे पिसे
मग ते सैरा वैरा धावे जैसे
तुझे शहाणपण तैसे

Your so-called wise bickering at this situation appears to me like the state of a blind man who has gone insane and is running helter-skelter.

What are we really afraid of? Are we so scared of these brainwashed fundamentalists or their Pakistani stooges? Dnyaneshwar very aptly describes this situation.

सिंहासी झोंबे कोल्हा
ऐसा अपाडु आथि कां जाहला
परी तो त्वां साच केला
आजि एथ

Is it so fearfully unthinkable, if a lowly jackal attacks a lion? Your actions speak as if you believe so!

Why are we so much pondering over what is diplomatically proper and what is not? Whom are we trying to protect? The very same enemies, who are supporting these cowardly acts.

हां गा तूं जाणता
तरी विचारिसि का आता
सांगे झुंजावेळे सदयता
उचित कायी

You know the answers very well! Then why are you not taking the proper
course? In war there is no place for such kindly considerations.

Are we intimidated by nuclear war and its consequences? It is not in our control to avoid this result. On the other hand, by delaying we can only make it more gruesome and devastating! Our resolve must remain firm at such times!

ह्रुदयाचे ढिलेपण
एथ निकयासि नव्हे कारण
हे संग्रामी पतन जाण

This weakness of resolve, will it result in any good? NEVER! It will undoubtedly lead to fall from grace for the real YOU!

A stitch in time saves nine.

